V2017.5 Benz Software Error "No more updates can be installed on the diagnostic system" and Solution

V2017.5 Benz Software Error "No more updates can be installed on the diagnostic system" and Solution
When diagnose 2012 E550 4matic via our 2017.5 SDC4 software, if you meet the following error message:

No more updates can be installed on the diagnostic system.
The following functions are not available:

Initial startup
SCN coding
Control unit update

Please just find the following path for kontext, then replace it:
C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Mercedes-Benz \ Xentry \ Kontexte

Kontext link: https://mega.nz/#!oRYBkYoT
Password: !Nx-0piFHVl0Y02e2AceFgez0yTGeb8WR3QJ5JBIeTME